Thursday, April 25, 2013

SKETCHES-unfinished clay

Here is a marriage between my unfinished clay sculpture and photography of things I see and like...for instance, this arc in Bordeaux..I liked the shadows and the light...This is just me playing with my imagination. I want to marry clay sculptures with my photography, this is just one of the few, that I like, that may evolve into something. Still investigating it. Thanks for viewing :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

project Perishable..."Loveletter"

Here is a piece I did regarding Perishable art...the title is "Loveletter"
I took 2 fruits, an apple and orange, cut out a piece from each and glued it to each other..they each carry a piece of each other. In relationships we carry a piece of our partner in our hearts, wether the relationship "perishes" or not, the physical will. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

"Pieces of me" Sketches 2013 self portraits

If only we had maps to help us find our way through our thoughts, emotions, growths. I feel as if sometimes I know where I am then suddenly I get lost.  With a little panic "I need help!" I yell inside.  Of course, if I sit still and breathe then listen, I get hints as to where I am and I can continue on my path.  I always address my higher good, but somedays I have to do this about 3 times or more and I am starting to feel a little depressed about this.
This series is about my evolvement I suppose.  It is not 100% revealed to me yet, but I think that is the direction it is going... It is basically a self portrait series using grids and repetitive patterns with pieces of myself on there(the grid). It is helping me cope with myself. You know the saying " where ever you go, there you are",  something like that... since I got to Spain nothing remarkable has happened within me, I am still me, figuring me out, discovering myself more and more but I am still me as I was in Miami...figuring out my process. Actually, a bit more frustrated with myself for not creating something BIG...i am feeling a little lost.
I know, I know, I have to work, work is the only solution...I do continue my practice and have come up with is the beginning of something new for me...I hope you enjoy a little piece of me.