Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sculpture - Abakanowicz

I am a big fan of sculpture and I have been paying more attention to names of Artists that stand out to me when I see a work.  I will start with my second real impression of sculpture ( the first was Louise Bourgeois, but I don't have to get into her since she is very well known), this  is Magdalena Abakanowicz. She was a victim of the WW2 era, being from Poland and Jewish, she went through a fearful and chaotic childhood filled with uncertainties and trauma...I fell in love with her sculpture called" Backs". I first saw them 2 years ago at the Margulies Collection in Wynwood and was taken aback ( no pun intended) by the simplicity of the hunched over  burlap statues,  filling a room  with their obvious vulnerable pose. They were almost alive.  In another  room she filled  it with what looked like an "army of  headless people, also, made from Burlap. Different heights, ages, genders, etc... all looking like victims of some sort of  chaos. This piece was called "Hurma" and it was their frontal view. You have to look her up for more information, I am no expert however just wanting to share what I see  and inspires me. Something about her pieces remind me of the reality and sadness of  humanity. How loud is the presence of  this "army" and yet they remain quiet. Very accurate in her execution highlighting a society victimized by a manipulative, fascist government.

Thanks for reading ;)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

FEb 2012 - Unexplained Emotions.

Today was a day of thought and unexplained emotion. I was sitting at a Jamaican cafe eating my favorite dish, oxtail, and a random thought  crept into my mind. It was of a recent post I saw on Facebook about racism and before I knew it, my eyes became watery.  I asked why? A sense of unexplained sadness came over me.  Was I in a depression and didn't even know it( sometimes this happens to me)?  I knew I was feeling this way for a couple days now just did not want to address it. I still do not know why I am sad, but I suppose I  can only  take that energy and create with it since I don't want it manifesting in to anything else that may impede my spiritual growth or creative process.
Everyday is growth for me. If I stop to be conscious of myself, my surroundings, my thoughts then I have learned and have taken in a little bit more knowledge of what IS. I do not want to be consumed with illusion and unrealistic thoughts that can boggle my mind. I want to live in reality, which is a beautiful one, I have nothing to complain about. Maybe because  I am a highly sensitive person, I do feel  other's sadness and yesterday was a full moon so there was a lot in effect in my surroundings, possibly.?  I can only question and try to understand my Self. I only have one chance to know this vehicle inside and out. Creating is important to me for this reason, bringing what is inside to the exterior with my hands through my  art.
A natural introvert with a friendly personality, that is me. Social awkwardness does not control me, but it use to. Today I do have to recognize it on a daily to control it, take deep breaths and so  Anyway, just being honest  and hoping I didn't bore anyone to death.
 Life gets a little more beautiful while listening to Bjork's "Joga" ..." emotional landscapes they puzzle me- confuse, then the riddles get solved and you push me up to this state of emergency!" LOL, it just came on and felt  I had to share.:)

Soir Feb. 2012


Title: Spirit-Matter

In a boundless space
Spirit flies
In a body with a face
Matter lies

Latent soul can never grow
Wake up! 2012

BW film, print 5x7